Wednesday, February 20, 2008

gnu plot tricks

in case anyone else needs to, the way to store a variable and use that instead of directly using equations is;

plot f(x) = cos(x/180.0*3.141592), f(x)**2 * (3.0 - (2.0 * f(x)) ), f(x)**2

where "f(x)" is the name of the 'variable'

Thursday, February 14, 2008

4 digit padding in mel (using python)

string $padframe = python( "'%04d' % " + $newFnum );

Friday, February 08, 2008

symbol table utility

nm -A -C | grep globalThreadCount

This is useful to track the source of an error message related to a mangled sym table name,
D02001 {WARNING} TgPathDLOpen: Bad DSO found: (undefined symbol: _ZN3Imf17globalThreadCountEv)

man nm

will give the manual page


will list the dependencies a dso has. Which is also useful