Sunday, June 16, 2013

Framework for gcc on a mac

Slightly boring post, but since there's fuck all documentation about how this works, I thought i'd jot down a note to myself about it.
During some scons wrangling, I discovered that its necessary to give gcc the path to the Framework directory using -F. This irritatingly trivial deviation from the usual -I and -L include paths, needs to go in both the g++ compile (-c) and the ld link commands (g++ that makes an so from .o's).
Remember that - it goes in *both*.

Yes this is boring, but took me far too long to figure this now-trivial thing out!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Diagram of the day #8

Is it me or are those sperm?

( from )

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Raspberry Pi

Though i'd jot down some notes about setting up our kid's Raspberry Pi. Its been a bit of a slog due to waiting for cables, adapters, and whatnot to arrive. Still need to get a usb hub to make it able to connect to wifi

Here's the HDMI to VGA converter I needed to purchase to connect it to our old-ish DELL flat monitor that lay discarded for years in a corner and was very nearly given away due to under-use.
/boot/config.txt had to have one of the following (can't remember which now)



# Settings for Flatron VGA monitor
# 1024 * 768
# Force HDMI signal even if monitor not detected

which took several turns of switching between our HDMI tv and the monitor to get it working !!